
Published Books

Climate Change Baffles Brains – Climate Charlatans Commit Intellectual Fraud on Reason (Archway Publishing, Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, Indigo, Goodreads, VitleSource)

The Trump Effect -Unmasking the Darkside Left and their Liberal Media Parrots (Christian Faith Publishing, Amazon)

Climate Change Baffles Brains

Climate Charlatans Commit Intellectual Fraud on Reason (2019 Archway Publishing)

We have now sunk to a depth where the restatement of the obvious is the duty of intelligent men. (George Orwell)

George Orwell’s words are worth repeating as climate-warming alarmists promote doomsday scenarios that have no basis in science.

Because weather is familiar to all, it seems that everyone has a theory about what causes climate change, and that makes it difficult to argue rationally about the real science behind climate change.

Archer beleives that money, emotion, and consensus science are the motive for and basis of 40 years of failed catastrophe predictions by climate alarmists and their flawed computer models in which they argue CO2 is the primary cause of climate changes.

Challenging this consensus science,  a nontechnical understanding of climate skepticism, as argued by over 300 knowledgeable authors in their fields, is explored in this book published by Archway Publishing.

Archer argues that despite its failed history of catastrophic climate predictions by the likes of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Al Gore, the liberal left and their media alias continue to use propaganda that makes scientifically unsupported claims that carbon dioxide is the primary cause of non-existent global warming events.

Lost in the propaganda is the fact that man-made CO2 emissions have greened Earth, transforming some former desert regions into verdant oases of greenery, and contributing to record crop yields, while ignoring the climate science of the “real elephant in the room, the sun” and other, more significant climate influencers. Instead of demonizing CO2, we should be praising CO2 for helping to feed the world.

Archer hopes to “provide ordinary folks with understandable arguments they can use around the kitchen table and at their cocktail parties on why the current issue of climate change is not supported by the science being used to garner billions of dollars from governments and the not so subtle attempt to change our quality and way of life.”

The Trump Effect

Unmasking the Dark-Side Left and their Liberal Media Parrots (2018 Christian Faith Publishing)

Donald Trump is the consummate political leader of ordinary, hard-working people!

Given this statement is being acknowledged every day, why is there no end to the negative liberal media outrage over the Trump administration’s accomplishments affecting regular folks? In fact, their negative behavior has only gotten worse as the Trump Administration’s successes grow.

This constant demonizing of Trump personally and his brand of conservative values by the liberal left did not start with his election but has being gaining ground throughout the history of the socialist movement that is based on the teachings of such radicals as Vladimir Lenin, Saul Alinsky, and Karl Marx.

In this book, Archer provides persuasive arguments, as supported by political and social intellectuals, of the profound, widespread damage being left in the wake of the liberal left’s “long march through the culture”. Archer draws attention to the miraculous intervention of Donald Trump in stemming the effort of socialists in their goal of establishing a world government by corrupting free market institutions and its unique cultural values that has made these democracies great throughout their history. It is the very success of Trump standing up to their sinister goals that has made them so angry, threatened, and dangerous.

Since that remarkable election night of November 8, 2016, Donald Trump has almost singlehandedly exposed the liberal left and their media alias as ‘useful idiots’ in the long-term damage they are doing to a confused population. They appear prepared to sacrifice the future viability of the traditional liberal political ideals, an objective free press, and the freedoms and prosperity enjoyed by a society that has granted them the right to destroy the institutions they resent.

President Trump has further exposed the dishonest, self-serving, corruption of the Washington establishment and the money-grubbing swamp dwellers made up of elected and bureaucratic officials.

For the rest of us ordinary folks, Trump’s election allows us to experience a sense of relief and joy, knowing we can again participate in a vibrant business environment which offers the power of self-determination, the freedom to pursue our life goals, and the ability to live according to our faith, unencumbered by political correctness and the stifling ideology of creeping socialism.

The most important effect of all, President Trump has helped to identify the missing component to the discussion playing on an endless political loop regarding the impact of the moral vacuum created by the liberal left’s strategy to eliminate values, faith, and civility from the public square. What the U.S.’s founders understood and George Washington, in his farewell address at the end of his second term, observed to restrain the worst of our human nature, provided the following:

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.”